Charitable Raffles
Our Council holds three charitable raffles throughout the year:
May - Memorial Day
September - Family Picnic
December - Christmas dinner
If you are interested in receiving tickets through the mail, please send me an email (mikemarisolam@gmail.com ) or call me at (908) 370-4126. Tickets are also available approximately one month prior to each drawing.
In an effort to decrease our expenses, please be certain that the Council has your updated address so that your potential winning tickets are not returned to me by the Post Office as undeliverable. Unfortunately, this occurs far too frequently, and not only adds to our expenses but also decreases the potential prizes available to all who do participate.
Please, don’t hesitate to contact me to ensure that we do have your correct mailing address!

Our Flag collection box is ready at the Columbian Club #4504 Tiki Bar. Any worn torn US flag dropped off will be given a proper retirement.